Thursday, November 26, 2009

G already.. what the

Have you notice..

Now is what alphabet?

I just know that our kl vehicle plate number has reach g lo.. i missed the f le.. I just saw one f car on the road.. haiya.. So fast g already, rupa-rupanya still got a lot of people buy car.

Perodua has released a new mpv named Alza. It is cheaper than Exora, but smaller in size. Front view of the car looks similar.. to Myvi. Hmm.. the origin of Alza? Dont know.. What i know is, Perodua is owned by Daihatsu, and Daihatsu is owned by Toyota. That is why perodua nautika is similar to toyota rush and same things to other perodua car.

Back to the vehicle number plate, do you have your own favorite? Or any interesting?

To check the latest vehicle registration number, you can go to JPJ webpage.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


但,东海岸就比较不一样了,来到这边才真正见识到什么叫做“雨季”。 这边下的雨很特别,我从来都没有见识过这样的,只要一下雨,就不会有停止的一刻,没错,一刻都没,它只有大小之分。就是说当雨要下完了,它不会停,只会变小,过后就变大然后又转小,大又小,大又小……可以连续数天都保持这样,相信很难以想象吧,是不是?
雨,的确制造了很多问题,对我这个住外面的人来说,来回学校怎样都要淋多少雨(虽然有车)。连续下雨,衣服不能干啊!最糟的事,莫过于---水灾!!! 记得去年刚住外面时,第一次遇到水灾的事故。那时我还在房间“读书”,就突然一个刚从外回来的朋友跟我说:“你看楼下外面。”当我打开前门时,那水已经快进来了,越来越高! 顿时觉得怎么会遇到这样的事,那时被逼搬出外面,现在又要面对天灾,感觉好祸不单行……好无奈……于是就将楼下的东西挤进楼上去。 果然,我们眼睁睁地看着那水慢慢进来,开始淹没楼下。那水进到我脚的ankle level才停下,当然外面的水差不多可以盖完车轮胎的level了……到最后第二天被逼将那些污水和黄泥打扫掉……
今年有活动要去丁加奴做些“下乡服务”类似的活动, 要在那边住五天+办活动。天啊!去那边时刚好是雨季(前个星期),一路驾车走去都看到好多房子被水淹埋的,还有小孩在戏水,感觉这边的人对水灾已视为每年必过的“节日”,没什么特别的,我还听到有个朋友说,反而水灾对他们更好,因为可以拿到赔账金,他们很需要这笔钱,真不知是真的还是个笑话。在那儿,我们是分别安排在不同的干爹干娘,居住在他们的家,还好我的家没什么淹到,因为还蛮高的,可怜有几位朋友,他们要进屋子,还得“游”过去的,lol…


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Alright.. i thought the raining getting small already and wanted to go back home from campus.. But then it was the opposite.. rain became very heavy and i hard to see the road.. somemore got stupid cars drive very fast and overtook me and the air bertakung on the road splashed onto my windscreen lo.. at that moment, i cant see anything at all and quite scary de le..

still rain heavy,and its jam..

car not moving.. at all

opposite lane car

i never see this before, the semenyih road was chaotic..

tree branch fall 1 + land slide abit

tree branch fall 2. many leaves on the road

tree brunch fall 3

tree branch fall 4 (see the double line, going opposite lane liao)

so the jam was due to the fallen tree lied across the road..

for days it rains, and the rain bukan main-main punya damn heavy.. my mum said kajang got a big flood in the 70's after raining non stop for a week.. houses, raods and railways flooded.. now the recent weather is telling something.. may be somebody know about it.. may be somebody trying the fix it.. may be we cant do anything about it..


the life still needs to go on la..

go toilet first.. rainy day la.. what to do =_=

Thursday, November 12, 2009

下雨 + 驾车, 你脑袋想什么?

最近天天下雨,而且都在我上完课或忙完project要回家的时候下的咯。。 今天下的雨特别的大,在上课的时候听到一阵阵狂风吹打在课室的窗口,发出的声音很恐怖下的咧,没多久就开始下起雨来。。

我通常都和朋友坐在课室的第一排,其他人通常是不会去坐第一排的。可是上这个课,其他同学会争坐的咧,因为这个讲师还蛮受欢迎的,加上他教的课是ICE,也就是内燃引擎(internal combustion engine),我们这班男生可说是唯一一个因为兴趣而选的课咯,大部分的mechanical都喜欢研究车的。因此,上课时大家都很专心听。在这里我要说明我读的ICE不是用来修理车的,那些是technician, 我读的是theory based,引擎里的故事,是读了也不会修车的,哈哈!

话说回课室里大家正在听课,突然有人开门(门在课室后,要回头才看到是谁)要出去的时候,听到外面下的雨很够力大,心想那个人酱大雨要出哪里呢。。这时同学们开始讲话了,看来上课时突然听到刮大风下大雨大家会很兴奋的咧。。不懂作么。。 大概十分钟后,那个人回来了,讲师看着他,停了一下,接着同学们也好奇的回头看---全身都湿答答的。接着讲师问他去那里,他回答说(带点傻笑)他去关车镜。 哇哇哇,为了关那开了一点的窗,跑去parking,上车关窗,下车再跑会课室。。(听到有人小声讲他傻海)我想,要不要哦。。。 你explain 一下logic/经济效益。。


上完课,雨小了,驾车回家。路上在一个红绿灯停下来,那条路有两条lane,一个左边lane直走,一个转右。我车停在左边lane,然后看到有车在我左边驶过。。 sibeh不爽咯,人家都在排队的嘛,那人却硬硬开多一条lane, 排在第一个,之后就有车跟着他后面听了下来。那条路只是稍微大条一点,你就要挤进去的咩?!然后青灯的时候,你不让,我不让,就jam了一下车才走咯。然后,走到靠近bandar sunway semenyih 的红绿灯,突然jam起车来。 平时不会塞jam的啊,就算下雨也最多慢慢走而已。没办法,等咯。自己驾到前面,才知道有辆载沙罗里的沙倒了出来,停在路旁,是滴,停在路旁,有人在清理。很纳闷,酱都会jam? 你们不要酱八可不可以呢?就是酱的驾驶态度害死人咯。有一流的highway又如何?

这些人我很不明白的咯,驾车怕输驾快快,割你车你不爽快,嫌我太慢粘屁股,遇到意外停下看个痛快。。还有一种,beh tahan, 我驾车跟那人后面,他驾慢慢,我很有礼貌的跟后面 没粘他屁股咯,到了traffic light,转黄灯了,我slow下来,想不到那人竟然,lap油,(红灯了),闯过去!!莫名其妙!他要快还是要慢??


Someone says

A man in love is incomplete
until he has married.


he is

Sunday, November 8, 2009